Sunday, May 19, 2013

Quilt for Nature in the Balance

The call for entries to this show came out in about December I think - or anyway, many months ago.  Climate change, generally, is the theme.  Open without jurying to any Whatcom Museum member.  How could I not?  Well, of course I procrastinated until the last possible time.

No, I don't want to say procrastinated.  With spring finally here and 1,200 sq. ft. of veggie garden to plant, and trees and flowers to maintain, and a two week jaunt across France to plan, I didn't procrastinate as much as prioritize.

But I was determined to make this happen, and I did.  I didn't take time for in-process photos, so all I have to show is the end result, but here it is.

Tipping Point
So, per usual, it's my bad photography, not a crooked bottom.

This is all pieced.  I had let myself forget what a challenge I had piecing curves at the workshop.  In my mind's eye, it was going to be assembled strip by strip - with only the slight curves of each strip.  That didn't happen.  As I assembled colors and textures on the wall, I found that I couldn't really piece one strip at a time and still expect the globe to be round.  So I assembled the top of the sphere first, including the black bar.  Then I made the bottom strips and attached the bottom of the globe to them.

All that was left was two really nasty inset seams where the "sky" segments met the "water-with-globe-attached" pieces.

It does not have to go to the museum until June 18, so I still have to attach a hanging sleeve and some sort of slat.  Artwork is supposed to be ready to hang, with proper hanging devices including wire.  So I guess I will include a wood slat in the sleeve.

And in five more days, we are off to France!!!