Friday, April 4, 2014

Another FG sketch - Working on Piecing

I spent some time this week working on "Rockers Study #1" to try to figure out how to piece it.  It quickly became clear that it was STILL too complicated.  So I started sketching out another one. This time I tried to stay aware as I was drawing, of how it could be pieced.  The pieces are numbered/lettered and come out to only 37  if I've figured it correctly.   That seems doable.
But I found I lost my grip on the task of creating interesting F/G relationship when I was thinking about easy piecing.  Ah the dilemma! 

The colors are really just for clarification of what's what, not the actual colors I would use for the piece.


  1. Sharon- This is really interesting watching you work through these ideas. Do you ever just start sewing? That would be my approach.

  2. It's funny you ask. In Lisa's Art Review Track this week we discussed that. My comment was that this sketching and thinking is really new to me because I'm such a "just do it" person typically. Almost everything I've made was figured out partly on the wall and mostly while sewing. I'm trying to get better at composition, somehow!
