Saturday, August 11, 2012

Working in a Series

Earlier this week I signed up for an online course called Working in a Series taught by Lisa Call.  I am wary of on-line classes and in general have resolved to stop taking workshops that only result in starting another project that is not what I love and want to do.  But this is different.  For many reasons:
Lisa Call, Structures #113,  ©2010 Lisa Call    39 x 86 inches
Award of Excellence – Quilt National 2011
1. Since I first saw her piece  at Quilt National '11  (above) I have followed and loved her work.  The shapes you see floating on the surface area created by quilting threads of different colors.  The entire piece is very heavily and beautifully quilted.  After seeing all the quilts in the exhibit I went back and spent time with several that I liked most.  I stood and stared at this one for a very long time.  Her other work is equally inspiring to me.
2. Once I started noticing Lisa's work, I also noticed her very organized and disciplined approach to the business of art.  I respect that she works hard at making it her business as well as her passion.  I also noticed that she was very generous with her time and knowledge, sharing what she does and why on her blog.
3. In discussions on the SAQA list this course was highly recommended by two other very good artists.
4.  I think it will give me the discipline I need to take some good well thought out pieces to Nancy Crow's workshops next spring.  She will follow a pretty disciplined curriculum, including weekly lectures by phone, discussions and assignments.  I look forward to critique and discussion with hopefully 8-9 classmates as well as Lisa.
The only question still in my mind is what idea or starting point I'm going to work from to develop a series... I had planned/assumed/expected to continue with the strip piecing style... but Jillian was strongly suggested working on the map quilts, especially given that Sheila Frampton Cooper's show is in November, it would give me a chance to produce something for that, or to develop the start of a series that could lead to something by November....  Sigh.  I just don't know now.

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