Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Year in Review

2010 was "berry berry good to me."  

There were no new health setbacks, so that's a huge positive point.

I turned 50.  Wow, really??

I rediscovered my love of quilting, and then discovered the world of art quilts.  In the past I avoided anything that was a traditionally female pursuit, just out of stubbornness, but now I feel secure enough to say who cares, I love fabric and colors and designing, why shouldn't I love quilting?  Within the space of one year, I created ten finished pieces, and will have several more soon. (YES, REALLY!)  I took nine classes, including the APWQ retreat.

I had a piece in a public gallery show! (even if it was open to anyone)

The other personal achievement was the closeout and clean out of my mom's house and estate.  It was one of my worst procratinations ever, since she's been gone for six years now.  But in addition to all the issues around the collection, preservation, and saving of "stuff" there was the issue of the house being in Ohio and me being in Washington.  I still feel some twinges about letting all that stuff go, but mostly relief.   And there's still a storage unit there full of the stuff that I couldn't part with.

I also managed to deaccquisition a lot of things here like clothes and magazines.  I now am motivated to get rid of even more, in order to make a nice studio for myself out of the "library" area which now is just the spot for junk to pile.  My beautiful desk from my grandmother's house is neatly organized, but filled with stuff I never use - it's time to revamp that.  After looking at "Studio's Magazine's" small space studios, I realized a nine by nine space should be plenty of room.

Here's to looking forward to a year with more free-flowing creativity and less procrastination!

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